
Susanna Hofer (born in Voitsberg/AUT) lives and works in Vienna and Pack/Styria. She holds a degree in german literature, studied art and communication practise, time based media and photography at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her work revolves around her interest in botanic constructions, “literarischer Dingsymbolik” and sculpture, juxtaposing traditional still life, Tableaux Vivants and commercial photography. As part of her practice, she collects, arranges, and archives simple everyday objects, translates one medium into another and creates surrealistic images and finely composed socio documentary themes. Reality and arrangement are often subject to blurred boundaries, drawing on techniques of alienation, reminiscent of Brechtian strategies. Hofer’s constructed world of images stands in contrast to the slick consumable forms of representation in advertising and as Brecht postulated: We need, in other words, to create a form of what might be termed “constructed representation”


Zeit Magazin, Zeit Magazin Zeit Verbrechen, Wochenmarkt, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Die Zeit, FAZ Quarterly, Das Magazin, Der Standard RONDO, Der Freitag, Gossamer, Zeit Online, Presse Schaufenster, Wienerin, Club Sandwich Magazin, C/OVienna, Spike Art Magazin, Monopol, Hohe Luft Magazin, STILL Magazin, Der Greif, Parnass, Zweikommasieben, Missy Magazin, die Epilog,  Tanzquartier Wien, Vöslauer


Stone Throw Records, Ferrari Zöchling, L’Amour du Pain, Peci.Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Caritas Wien, Q21, Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels, Daniel Stuhlpfarrer, Walde Seife, Hoffmann und Campe


2022 Steirische Fotobiennale, Graz/Leibnitz, AUT

2022 Kommod, Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitter, Vienna, AUT 

2021 New views on same olds, Xhibit, Vienna, AUT

2021 Die Götting von Barbara Zeman, Performative Reading with Barbara Zeman and Daniel Ferstl Mumok Vienna, AUT

2021 W PART 2, Space20, AFA Offspace, Vienna, AUT

2020 Church of Ego, Austrian Cultural Forum Serbia, Belgrad, SRB

2020 A Still Life of Bread an Butter Vienna Art Week, Vienna, AUT 

2019  DREAMING IS OKAY Vienna Design Week, Vienna, AUT

2018, YHYFIHM, Voies Off des Rencontres d’Arles, FR

2018 Soil isn´t a document, WHITEDWARF PROJECTS, Vienna, AUT

2017 Tools of enlightenment, European Forum Alpbach /group, AUT

2017 I’m bringing nothing to the table, Palimpalim, Vienna, AUT 

2017 TAKE Festival for independent Fashion and Arts, Vienna /group, AUT 

2016 For other uses see heimat, University of Applied Arts Vienna AUT

2016 Bushwick Open Studio, YHYFIHM, New York

2014 Stoffwechsel Museum für angewandt Kunst Wien and Augarten Porcelain Museum, Vienna, AUT

2014 You have your family I have mine Galerie BOHAI, Hannover GER


Heuer Heiter, self-published, 2023

Well Well Wellness, self-published, 2022

DISZIPLIN, Pool Publishing, 2020

Temporäre Unordnung, De Gruyter, 2020

Looking Glass Photographic Essays on the Mechanisms of Life, De Gruyter, 2019

Dreaming Is Okay, self-published, 2019

You have your Family I have mine, Vol I-III self -published 2014-2017